Face Book Anda hilang sesetengah fungsi?
Recently, there are new facebook virus that attacks alot of Facebook users... It is spreading via Facebook's IM (Instant Messaging a.k.a. chatbox), and it is started like this :
"Hi. How are you?"
you repiles...
"Wanna laugh?"
you replies...
"Is it you on the video? want to see?"
And it will send you a LINK and DO NOT click the link!!!
What? you already clicked it?
Dont worry, this is the solution...
If your computer automatically turned off and then it will start in safe mode, dont worry...
Just follow this step...
1 : Click "Start" button

2 : Search : msconfig

3 : Run it and it will be like this :

4 : Click on the "Boot" tab and if you are really "infected", it should be like this :

5 : Untick "Safe boot" until you see this :

6 : Click "OK" and then restart your PC...and its done!!!
Good luck in trying! any questions please message me via facebook... - kingofgoblok
Ka’ab bin Ujrah r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Akan datang di kemudian hari nanti, setelah aku tiada; beberapa pemimpin yang berdusta dan berbuat aniaya. Maka barang siapa yang membenarkan kedustaan mereka dan membantu (mendukung) tindakan mereka yang aniaya itu, maka ia bukan termasuk umatku, dan bukanlah aku daripadanya. Dan ia tidak akan dapat sampai datang ke telaga (yang ada di syurga).- Riwayat Tirmidzi, Nasae’i dan Hakim.
salam....lepas buat semua yg di arahkan....virus tu masih ada x or telah di delete? n laptop tu selamat digunakan? or ia masih ada virus tp dah x masuk dlm safe mode n boleh scan? boleh tolong terangkan dgn lbh jelas? mekasih sebab bg info berguna ni? lebih terima kasih kalau dapat bg jwpn terhadap persoalan sy....
oh..trimas...shida baru je post pasal protokol FB td...
jmput sggah sini..
nak link skali lah post ni kat my blog ek..tq2~~
Salam, mohon utk konsi artikel ni dalam blog saya...tq tuan...
iklan percuma online
mintak kongsi...ade member yg da terkene...tq
kalo keluar Windows 7 (c:\Windows) : Current OS; DEFAULT OS camne plak. x kene virus x?
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