Bitter-gourd is definitelly an acquired taste. You’ll either love this green small vegetable or you’ll hate it. My family loves snacking on this vegetable deep-fried and crispy.
5-6 medium sized bitter-gourds
1 tbsp turmeric
5 tbsp corn flour
1 tsp curry powder
1 tsp salt
Oil, enough for deep-frying
1. Wash the bittergourds. Cut lengthwise, scoop out the seeds. Slice thinly. Then blanched in boiling salt water for about 4-5 minutes. Drain the bitter-gourd slices in a colander.
2. Mix turmeric, corn flour, curry powder and salt in a bowl. Add in bitter-gourd slices and mix until well-coated with flour mixture.
3. Heat oil in a wok or pan until very hot. Deep-fry bitter-gourd in small batches until golden.
4. Drain excess oil by putting fried bitter-gourd on a kitchen paper.

NOTES: Bittergourd is also known as balsam pear or the bitter melon. Young, green bittergourd is best for cooking. It has excellent medicinal properties. Recent researches have established that it contains a hypoglycaemic or insulin-like property, designated as 'plant-insulin', which has been found highly beneficial in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels. Bittergourd contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and potassium. It helps to purify blood tissue, enhances digestion, and stimulates the liver. Do not consume bittergourd if you are pregnant or nursing.
Posted by Chibu H.A Loh
BS: hehehe.. aku saja jer buat tajuk mcm tu... mesti ada yg igt entri ni pasal katak goreng.. hehehe
Baik utk kesihatan ni..biasenye mak makan buat ulam je..nampak nye goreng pon sodap ni..
buatkan saya leh wak... hehehehe
pahit la bro....hehehe...
ooooo... sadap oooo..... yg pahit tu ubat man.. yg manis (selain madu)tu la bawak penyakit..
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