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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good information. . Please take note and it can happen to you.

Remember this especially when you buy lots of ice cream during 31st day offer!!! They normally put dry ice in your pack if you buy a lot.A friend bought four packs of ice cream and to prevent it from melting, the seller put the dry ice
amongst the ice cream. My friend put it at (not the back of the car boot) and he started to
drive with the windows closed and the aircon on (as what we all do). Soon after that, he had difficulty breathing and it was getting worse by minutes. Luckily, he was in a traffic jam and when he almost fainted, beside him was an ambulance. He dragged himself to the ambulance and got the oxygen treatment. He
was getting better on the way to the hospital.

The ambulance officer drove his car to the hospital and he had the same experience. However, before his condition worsen, he opened up the window and he could breathe easily. Only later, when my friend returned to office and told his colleagues about his story, they pointed out to him that the dry ice was the problem. WHY?

Dry ice is made of CO2 and when it "melts", it becomes CO2 gas straight away without leaving any wet mark (that is why it is called dry ice). CO2 is easier to be tied up in our blood and thus, when the dry ice sublimes into CO2 gas, it fills the car room with it along with the air con circulation and caused CO2 poisoning. So, dont put the dry ice inside your car if you are using aircon with fully closed windows. You must leave the windows open for such situation.

Hope this will help to prevent any fatality just from a small negligence like this. Imagine if you have your children inside, they might be the first victim.

BS: Uiiiiiiiiiii... bahaya nih... sape suruh beli ais krim bnyk2.. tu nasib baik kebetulan ada ambulance.. klau x dah jalan dah... heheh