The Truth Revealed (with evidence)
This is Malaysian true history. This came from the anthropological team from one of the Aussie universities. As far as I know, it is genuine, considering where it came from. Have a read and see what you think.
The Truth Revealed (with evidence)!
In June 1998, the government of Malaysia had hired a team of experts from all over the world to be gathered here in Malaysia for a research project to compliment the history studies that we undertook in our secondary school. The objective of the research is simply:
1. To find proof and evidence that show the Malays were the origins of Malaysia and they were the first race and religion that landed their feet in Malaysia.
2. To further strengthen their claims, first they need to find the graveyard of the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and others... to show the existence of their pioneers.
3. The Batu Bersurat in Terengganu, reveals that the islamic religion has landed in Malaysia for more than a hundred years ago which further strengthen their claims!
BEWARE & OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Go and ask your brother, sister, niece, nephew etc. Since the year 1999 (if i'm not mistaken) or year 2000, do they study about HANG TUAH anymore? Why is that popular subject GONE? Missing in action? or evidence reveals something else that caused the government to stop the syllabus and HIDE the TRUTH? Here are the Evidences of the findings by the team of scientists, archaeologist, historian and other technical staff from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Yemen & Russia.
The evidence are:
1) They finally found the graveyard of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and others, their skeletons had been analized and samples of DNA taken with the results showing: Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and mates were NOT MALAY!!! They were CHINESE origins (islamic) from China!!! Why were they here in Malacca? If you go back in history, you would know that they were on a mission to protect the UNGRATEFUL MALAY Sultanate from the frequent attacks by the Kingdom of SIAM (Thailand). So Hang Tuah was not a Malay hero! They were the protectors of the useless and ungrateful Parameswara (who was from INDONESIA) who landed in Malacca and claimed that the land belonged to him!
Hang Tuah and friends were all from China, they were being assigned to the Malacca Sultanate because Parameswara requested the Ming Dynasty Emperor for protection! Hence, the rich historical heritage of the Babas & Nyonyas were being closely linked to the Seven Voyages to the Western Oceanby Admiral Zheng He who incidentally was a Chinese Muslim himself! That's why the Hang Tuah series of history is MISSING from the Malaysian SEJARAH today!
Note : Remember Princess Hang Li Poh ? - All surname 'HANG'
2) The researchers hired by the government found the oldest tombstones (graveyard) in Kelantan in year 2000. Suprisingly, the tombstones were at least 900 years old! Older than the so-called Batu Bersurat. And the interesting thing was that they all belonged to the CHINESE! Being landed first in Malacca doesn't mean Malay is the first in Malaysia because during that time, the road was too long or undeveloped for them to reach or see the other side of the coast where the Chinese had landed much earlier. If you want the hard evidence of what the truth of the Research reveals, please write to The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan, USA.
This is a good reason to remind the Bumiputras NOT to ask the Chinese or Indians to go back to their Motherlands because the evidence had shown that Malays were NOT the original people of Malaysia! The Truth Revealed (with evidence) and anthropologists have yet to ascertain if there was indeed a Malay race!
Fakta sejarah boleh diubah...leh percaya ke dengan Mat-Mat Salleh tu jugak.
Salam Bujang,
Almarhumah mak kak cerita yg kami ni asal dari Patani Siam..
saya campur kak.. benggali campur dgn bugis.. datuk sebelah mak, benggali... datuk sebelah bapak, bugis.. hehehhe susah je nak caye.walaupun parameswara org indonesia.lgpun kita dgn indonesia serumpun.negara kitakan dlm kepulauan melayu.kubur yg ditemui mungkin kubur para pedagang.xkan jumpa kubur 1 org cina dah boleh dijadikan bukti.kitakan semua perantau,bermula dgn nabi Adam A.S.kan kita tau cina berasal dr benua cina.india dari benua india.disebabkan masalah di negara masing2 yg memungkinkan mereka mencari kehidupan di tempat lain.
Aku rasa kalau orang Cina yang berada di tempat orang Melayu dalam kes di atas, kajian tu semua akan terus dibakul sampahkan tanpa banyak cerita. Betul tak? Nasib baiklah kita ni orang Melayu/Islam yang bijak dan telan apa saja yang disuap kan?
Sebab menyampahkan saudara seislam yang tak berapa nak Islam, kita pegi berpeluk-peluk dengan yg bukan saudara..
Jangan sampai diri sendiri yang rugi brader..
bila masuk bab2 ni ada keraguan jgk ditambah fakta2 macam ni..
contoh kat kelantan dikatakan cina sudah lama bertapak di kawasan ada emas contohnya gua musang.
tapi entah betul atau tidak, ditambah setengah tempat di sini dikatakan cina sama jadi dengan melayu sebab itu diorang ada kampung laman sendiri.
kita semua berasal dari tanah.
cuma yang dapat membezakan antara kita semua ialah iman dan taqwa..
bro, ni smua cubaan pihak tertentu utk memecah belahkan negara kita nih.. bila negara kita dh dlm keadaan anarki, mereka2 nih akn amik kesempatan ats kita, so jgn la kita celapak sngt ngan info camni
peduli ar kalau hang tuah tuh cina..takder masalah pada aku.
pandangan? buku teks sejarah antara usahe kere jaan nak kasik ktorg nmpk dorg besttt aje. ade bukan btl2 fakta tp auta. tp dah temaktub dlm buku teks skolah. smer baek aje lah.
bia lah hang tuah dr cina..kita msih lg ada hang buah & hang kebun utk menambahkn auta kita...gagagagagaa
Kalau dari orang putih @ darah campuran yahudi taksah nak percaya lah depa banyak putar alam sampai mati aku ragu2 depa. This is Malaya lah yg bermaksud malay dan nasib baik islam.
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